Want to Try Fly Fishing? Here’s How to Start
Fly fishing is a type of fishing that uses an artificial fly as bait. The fly fisherman casts his fly line upstream into the water and allows the current to carry the line and fly downstream. Fish strike the fly either when it is in the air or while it is sinking. Fly fishing can be done on any type of water, from small streams to large rivers, and from lakes to saltwater.
However, in order to be successful at it, you will need the right equipment, information about where to go, what type of fish you’re after, and some companions. This article will cover each of these topics so that by the end you’ll know everything there is to know about fly-fishing. Ready? Let’s get started!
1. Buy the Right Equipment
First, you’ll want to buy your equipment. There are four main things that you will need: fly-fishing rod, fly reel, fly line, and flies. Your choice of the rod should be determined by how much space you have to store it and if you’re planning on traveling with it. When it comes to reels, choose a fly reel with a good drag system.
Also, make sure that the size of your fly-fishing rod is appropriate for the weight of your fly line and flies as listed on their package instructions. You will also have to buy waders, as well as a net and landing-net pouch if you don’t already own them. Luckily, you can find a wader for big and tall body shapes as well as for small and short body shapes, so don’t worry about that. Once all that’s decided, head down to the store and pick out your equipment!
2. Consider Where You Want to Go
Now that you have your equipment, consider where you want to go. Fly fishing is amazing in lakes, rivers, and streams because fish are usually much more abundant in these types of waterways than they are in the ocean. However, there are saltwater fly-fishing opportunities as well. The best way to find out where the best fishing spots are is to ask around. If you know someone who fly-fishes, find out where they like to go. If your friends don’t fish, try asking an experienced fisherman or shop owner for advice. You can also check out some guides on fly fishing in your area.
3. Consider What Type of Fish You Want to Catch
This is a very important part of fly fishing, as different fish species behave differently from one another and will require different techniques in order to catch them successfully. For example, you can fish for trout in a river as long as there is a way to get the fish upstream, but you would need to use an entirely different type of fishing line and techniques if you were trying to catch a salmon instead. With that in mind, do some research on the type of fish species you want to catch and make sure your equipment is appropriate for catching them.
4. Consider Who Will Come with You
This activity is best done as a group activity, as people can split up and fish in different parts of the river. Fly fishing is typically done in pairs or groups because it’s an enjoyable thing to do with friends and family, but there should at least be one experienced fly fisherman among those present. That way, everyone will learn about the proper techniques and how to properly use their equipment.
5. Learn How to Cast
In order for this activity to be successful, everyone should know how to cast a fly-fishing rod. From start to finish, the process takes a fair bit of time in order to master–that’s why it isn’t something you can learn by yourself. The best way to learn is with an experienced fly fisherman by your side. Once you’ve learned the basics, you’ll be able to catch a fish.
6. Practice, Practice, Practice
As with anything else, fly fishing takes practice. At first, you’ll probably feel like there’s always a fish about to bite, but after doing this for a while, you’ll see that it’s not true. While catching your first fish is incredibly exciting and rewarding, the time between catching one fish and another can be very long if you’re new to this activity. So, it’s best to be patient and take your time.
Fly fishing is an incredibly rewarding activity, but one that must be learned. The more you practice and learn about the process, the better fly fisherman you will become. This means you’ll start to catch more fish and enjoy yourself more. So, get started by buying your equipment and practicing your casting before you go out to fish.