It is easy to let go a little during the holidays, and that is not the end of the world. Everything you love (and none of the anxiety of school or work days) is around you.

The holiday parties, cookie basket swaps, grandma’s scrumptious food, and of course, quality time with your family and friends.

No wonder weight gain feels almost inevitable, making it harder to watch your weight and shape during these jolly days than any other time of the year.

If you are on a weight-loss journey, the holiday season can be tricky for you. Even if you have already put on a pound or two during this period, there are plenty of ways to lose it or keep it off in the first place.

Today, we will talk about easy tips, strategies, and hacks you can use to do so.

Why do we gain weight during the holidays?

The average person gains between one and two pounds during the holiday season. While this might not sound like much, research shows most people never lose this extra weight after the holidays end.

Year after year, these small gains can add up significantly. But don’t worry – with some practical strategies, you can enjoy the season without letting it distend your waistline.

1. Stick to your meal routine

Think of your meal schedule as an anchor during the chaos of the holiday season. Try to eat at roughly the same times each day, even when your calendar fills up with parties and events. If you typically eat breakfast at 8 AM, stick to it.

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This consistency helps prevent the common trap of saving calories for a party later, which usually backfires and leads to overeating. When you maintain your regular eating pattern, you’re less likely to arrive at events starving and more likely to make mindful choices.

2. Go reduced-fat

Making smarter fat choices doesn’t mean giving up flavor. Replace heavy cream with Greek yogurt in your favorite dips. Choose lean cuts of turkey instead of fattier meats.

Try baked versions of traditionally fried foods. These small swaps can make a big difference without sacrificing the taste you love. Remember, the goal isn’t to eliminate all fats – it’s about making better choices when you can.

3. Walk off the weight

Walking might seem simple, but it’s one of your best tools for holiday weight management. Gun for 10,000 steps each day. Take a family walk after big meals – it aids digestion and gives you quality time with loved ones.

Park further from stores when holiday shopping. Walk around the block while catching up with relatives on the phone. These steps add up quickly and help offset those extra holiday treats.

4. Get a handle on your stress

High stress is one thing that won’t agree with you if you’re looking to keep off the holiday pounds. That’s especially true if some of your friends or relatives tend to get on your nerves.

All the preps, spending, and questions about your life can really do a number on your stress levels, anxiety, and self-esteem. Together, these create the perfect storm for unwanted (and even worse uncontrollable) weight gain.

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After all, high levels of stress hormone cortisol can make you crave junk, weight-gaining food.

Your best bet is to do whatever helps you get a handle on your stress levels. For some people, meditation, yoga, and deep breathing can do the trick.

Exercising is another winner for most people, as it helps redeem your body releasing more feel-good hormones to oppose cortisol. You should try to avoid unhealthy coping mechanisms and addictive behavior, such as playing casino games or excessive shopping.

5. Go for smart snacks

Never leave your hunger to chance. Keep healthy snacks within reach to avoid impulsive eating. Fresh fruit, low-calorie yogurt, and cut vegetables make perfect portable snacks.

When you have these options readily available, you’re less likely to reach for those ever-present holiday treats. Pack these healthy alternatives in your bag, car, or desk drawer.

6. Look at the labels

Food labels become your secret weapon during the holidays. Check both fat and sugar content in packaged foods. Pay special attention to serving sizes – holiday treats often pack more calories than you’d expect in a small portion.

7. Portion control is everything

You don’t need to break out measuring cups at holiday parties, but being mindful of portions can go a long way in avoiding holiday weight gain.

Use smaller plates when possible. Take time to really look at how much food you’re serving yourself.

Think twice before going back for seconds – give your body 20 minutes to register fullness. These simple practices help you enjoy holiday foods without overdoing it.

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8. Stay active throughout the day

Small movements add up during the holiday season. Stand up for 10 minutes every hour. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Do some stretches while watching holiday movies.

Dance while cooking or decorating. These mini-activity sessions keep your metabolism revving and help prevent the holiday sluggishness from setting in.

9. Drink smart

What you drink matters as much as what you eat. Choose water or calorie-free drinks most often. Limit alcohol, which not only adds calories but can lower your resistance to holiday treats.

When you do enjoy festive drinks, alternate them with water. This simple strategy cuts calories and helps prevent holiday hangovers.

10. Focus on your food

Mindful eating becomes especially important during the holidays. Slow down and really taste your food. Don’t eat in front of the TV or while scrolling through your phone.

Pay attention to hunger and fullness cues. When you eat with awareness, you naturally tend to eat less and enjoy your food more.

Avoid Holiday Weight Gain by Creating Non-Food Traditions

The holidays aren’t just about food. Create new traditions that don’t center around eating. Take a family walk to look at holiday lights.

Start a gift-wrapping dance party. These activities create lasting memories without adding extra calories.