Your backyard is your kingdom and you should set it up according to your needs and wishes. If you just let your imagination run wild, you are guaranteed to create a very special area that reflects your personality. The best thing about these small backyard projects is – they do not have to be expensive. If you are asking yourself how, here are a few ideas to achieve budget friendly backyard makeovers.

Create garden paths

Acquiring big stones for a garden path is a task that can appear a bit daunting, but you just have to be a little bit crafty. For example, you can go to a nearby quarry and fill the back of your truck with flat stones. On the other hand, if you plan to cut down a particularly annoying tree, have it cut into flat pieces by a cutting-edge automatic saw workstation and use them to create a path. Once you’re finished with this task, and cast your gaze upon the rustic pathway that twists around your garden islands and trees, you’ll realize the yard looks absolutely magical when adding backyard makeovers like these.

Collect rocks to create edges

Millennial Magazine- Backyard Makeovers

You can turn a mundane hobby of collecting rocks into something truly remarkable. If you have several garden islands in your backyard, you can use the rocks collected to create edges that will line the garden islands and separate them from the rest of the lawn where walking is allowed. Just by walking regularly by a river, lake or sea can yield a bag-full of stones for your garden edge. Just make sure the stones are bright – lighter shades of blue, gray and white – to create an aesthetically pleasing contrast with soil and grass.

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Repurpose items

Just as your children have used various home materials to create a bird feeder and a bird bath, you should also put your creative side to the test and try to repurpose some items. The best way to go about budget friendly backyard makeovers is to visit a local flea market and browse items for inspiration. If you find something that lights up the inventive spark in your mind, haggle a bit before you purchase. A wide ladder can be repainted, lacquered and turned into a plant hanger, an old wooden barrel can be cut open and turned into a stand-table with shelves for drinks, etc.

Let your children make a bird bath or bird feeder as a play-project

Millennial Magazine- Backyard Makeovers

If the gentle chirping of birds is music to your ears, you can “employ” your children to create a bird feeder and a bird bath. They can use all the extra material from school projects, and they’ll be eager to do something creative that doesn’t entail showing it to the class and the teacher. You’ll be amazed to see how inventive and creative children can become when the threat of scrutiny is not looming over their heads.

Trim the greenery like a sculptor

Bring out your trusty gardening shears to start pruning that greenery. Now, you do not have to be a certified genius of sculpting to create interesting shapes out of your bushes and treetops. If you can turn your bush into a green bunny sculpture you should definitely go for that, but abstract and geometrical shapes are fine too. The key thing is to choose a particular shape or style and cut everything in that manner. This way, you will achieve consistency and it will look professionally done and visually striking. Hiring a tree trimming service can really help shape up your larger, overgrown trees into a fun new decorative outdoor plant. You can learn more here:

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Consistency of color

Millennial Magazine- Backyard Makeovers

There is nothing more pleasing to the eye than consistency of color and high contrast. Therefore, if you put a lot of new backyard items into your small oasis of comfort, it might end up looking like a jumbled mess. Pick a color and repaint everything the same hue, and voila!

Frugal Backyard Makeovers

It’s easy to be swayed by those perfect photographs of fairy-tale backyards from designer magazines, but the price tag printed in there is not worth it, especially because it’s possible to have it all with just a little bit of creativity and readiness to put in an effort. You do not have to be a high-end designer or a landscaper to learn inventive techniques to turn your backyard into a picturesque oasis of comfort and beauty. Sometimes just sprucing up your pool with crystal clear water and fresh patio cushions can give the backyard the splash you are looking for at a fraction of the cost. When in doubt, just channel your inner Martha Stewart.