Mental health is a buzzword for millennials. While the stats don’t make for good reading, there is one thing to remember: it’s not shunned anymore. Yes, millions of people suffer from mental health disorders and 50% of them occur by the age of 12. 75% of them happen before the age of 24. And, it’s not exempt from the workplace. Almost 10% of employees don’t feel comfortable speaking to their bosses about anxiety or other issues.

Still, there is a conversation going on and millennials understand they are not alone. Rather than accepting their fate, this generation of workers tries to deal with the problem and find a solution. Regarding the office, this means there is no reason to suffer in silence. And, people do suffer thanks to politics and the toxic work environment in which they work. At least 15% of people have faced disciplinary action or been fired as a result of their mental health problems.

Thankfully, you don’t have to fall into that category any longer. By taking decisive and proactive action, you can safeguard your brain and your emotions. Continue reading to find out more about the steps you can take to ensure your career doesn’t drag you into the depths of despair.

Choose Wisely

Boredom and monotony are two reasons to feel down about your job. People who do the same things over and over get the impression they are stuck in a loop. Because the routine is repetitive, nothing is challenging or exciting about the process. As a result, you start to wonder if you’re wasting away and if the last five years have been pointless.

To combat this, you need to choose a career that is going to add something to your life. That way, even if things get a little stale, you’ll always have the basics of the role as a safety net. Consider being a nurse. Although the hours are long and it’s pretty hands-on, the fact that you get to help people is a shining light. Plus, it’s easier than ever to jump ship and try something new with online family nurse practitioner programs. You can earn your qualifications remotely while studying at night and at weekends.

For those who haven’t picked a good career, don’t accept your fate. Instead, think long and hard about a position that speaks to you and seize your chance. After all, you are never too old or under qualified to swap industries. Sure, you may have to take a step back but the deduction in money will lead to an increase in happiness.

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Email Less

Technology has advanced to the point where you can speak to people without doing it face-to-face. In the office, email and instant messaging services are very popular as they are quick and effective. Within a couple of seconds, you can connect with someone in the office and solve a problem. Efficiency-wise, it’s a massive bonus as it allows people to multitask and it eliminates interruptions.

However, it doesn’t help you to create a bond with your colleagues. Emails and text messages are cold and clinical; there is nothing personal about them. Without a solid support group at work, it’s ten times harder to get through tough times. After all, coworkers make you laugh and smile, plus they have your back. By emailing less, it gives you the opportunity to speak to people in the office more. As a result, you can create a bond and take a break from the monotony of the workplace.

Some people even use their relationships to speak about the topics that hit them hard, such as mental health. Once you have friends in the office, you can go for drinks and socialize outside of work hours too.

Log Complaints

It’s an unwritten rule that you shouldn’t snitch on your colleagues. Even if they are bullying you, conventional logic says you need to grow a thick skin. Otherwise, the office will be split and you may make things worse rather than better. Of course, this is a bad strategy to follow as it won’t eradicate the problem. Bullies don’t let up when they see a weakness – they go for the jugular.

Reporting the incident is the mature way to stand up for yourself and to take back control. For one thing, it prevents you from doing anything stupid such as name-calling or violence. Secondly, it makes the management aware of the problem and that they need to find a solution quickly. After all, they don’t want workplace morale to hit an all-time low. With that in mind, go to HR and tell them that you feel as if a coworker or boss unfairly treat you. Present evidence to back up your claims too.

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At least by logging complaints, nobody will be able to say you’re lying. The proof will be there in black and white for the Human Resources team to analyze. If you think you can’t trust the company as a whole consult your union instead and ask for their advice. Unions are important because they are impartial and unbiased, unlike career professionals.

Take A Hike

Exercise is an excellent way to maintain your physical wellbeing. Working out allows you to blow off the cobwebs and raise your heart rate, and, as a result, it regulates your body. But, you shouldn’t underestimate the impacts exercise has on your mind too. Research proves that working out reduces stress levels and clears your mind of clutter. This usually leads to better concentration and a reduction in fatigue.

The problem is finding a way to stay active at work. Anyone who works behind a desk will know that it isn’t straightforward when you have a packed schedule. Thankfully, there’s no need to live a sedentary lifestyle in the office. For starters, you can work remotely so there’s no reason to sit down all day. Instead of sitting, you can stay active and on your feet with the possibility of getting a standing desk and wearing comfortable shoe inserts from Working out of a coffee shop, for example, includes getting there and surrounding yourself with new people.

If leaving the office isn’t part of your job description, it’s time to get creative. Standing up every fifteen minutes to half an hour will help everything from your posture to your vital organs. Also, taking a walk around the office should keep your heart pumping out fresh oxygen. If anyone asks why you’re not at your desk, tell them you need to speak to a colleague are that you’re going to the toilet.

Use Vacation Time

Unlike most countries around the globe, there isn’t a law regarding paid vacation time. However, the good news is that the majority of private companies offer their employees holiday leave as incentives. Depending on the job and your experience, you may receive up to ten to twenty days per year. Throw in federal holidays and it increases to anywhere between twenty and thirty days.

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It’s tempting to take them as paid days and to go into the office regardless. After all, there’s no reason to stay at home and do nothing if you’re capable of working. Of course, this only adds to the monotony of a person’s routine. Without a break from the office, it can become a daily grind with which your mind struggles to deal. Taking time off and getting paid for it is a perk that you should fully exploit. Sure, there will be times when you need the money and taking it as pay makes sense. Still, thirty days allocation is six weeks vacation so you can spare a fortnight for a getaway.

Even if you aren’t boarding a plane, it’s still a smart move to use up your holidays. Sometimes, chilling at home is the perfect antidote to the grind that is the combination of life and work. This is especially true when the winter turns into the fall.

Accept Losses

A person’s mental health takes a hit when they worry about every last detail. A deadline passes by or a client pulls out of a meeting and their blood pressure skyrockets. If you fall into this category, you will understand how certain scenarios play with your mental health. But, you should also be aware of the fact that some losses are inevitable.

When they are out of your control, it’s better to accept the fact and not stress out. People who do this tend to focus their energy on the positives, and that encourages them to change the issues they can impact. A knock-on effect is the power of a positive mental attitude as it acts as a buffer between you and your negativity. In some cases, a PMA is muscle memory-like and works a safety net. When things go wrong, you can use your previous experiences as examples to avoid getting depressed.

As well as accepting losses, you should try and leave the office behind after your shift ends. Also, find time for extracurricular activities to stop career pressure from building.

Your mental health is as important as your physical wellbeing which is why you need to make good decisions and learn from your mistakes.