Want white teeth? You aren’t alone. Many people work hard on whitening their teeth to improve their appearance and confidence.

However, many effective teeth-whitening approaches contain chemicals, posing potential dangers to your health. If you’d rather try a more natural approach to whitening your teeth, there are several methods to choose from, including one being going for a professional treatment with the dentist at http://dynamicdentistryshoals.com/

Baking soda

One easy way to whiten your teeth is to brush with baking soda. Baking soda contains natural whitening properties and is a mild abrasive. In addition to gently scrubbing away stains, brushing with baking soda creates an alkaline (or non-acidic) environment, which reduces the likelihood that bacteria will grow in your mouth. A reduction in bacteria may help to reduce the plaque that makes your teeth look yellow.

To use this approach, simply mix two teaspoons of water with one teaspoon of baking soda. Next, gently brush your teeth with this paste a few times per week. If you don’t see immediate results, stick with it — this approach takes time to produce whitening effects.

Hydrogen peroxide

Bacteria-killing hydrogen peroxide is not just for cuts. Hydrogen peroxide contains a mild bleach that can be used to whiten the stains on your teeth. However, it’s important to note that brushing your teeth with hydrogen peroxide can cause tooth sensitivity and irritate your gums.

If you have sensitive teeth or gums, don’t use this approach for an extended period of time. To enjoy the whitening benefits of hydrogen peroxide, it’s best to use it as a mouthwash. Be sure to use a 1.5% solution to avoid any sensitivity issues.

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Alternatively, you can combine two teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide with one teaspoon of baking soda.

The power of fruits and vegetables

Although not intended as a replacement for brushing, eating raw fruits and vegetables that are crunchy can help scrub away plaque that has accumulated on your teeth. Keeping plaque to a minimum can help your teeth retain a white appearance, so fruits and veggies indirectly make your teeth more white.

Additionally, anecdotal evidence shows that brushing with a mixture of strawberries and baking soda can help whiten your teeth. It is thought that the malic acid in the strawberries helps to remove the discoloration on your teeth.

This claim has not yet been scientifically proven — and even if strawberries may reduce discoloration, they most likely won’t be able to address stains deep within your teeth. Anyone using this approach should limit it to a few times per week to avoid damage to tooth enamel.

Good oral hygiene

Maintaining good oral hygiene is one of the most important things anyone can do to decrease the occurrence of yellowing teeth. A consistent routine that includes flossing and brushing will help protect enamel, remove stains, and prevent gum decay.

Although your teeth will naturally experience some discoloration with age, you can help decrease the effect of plaque buildup through flossing your teeth. Flossing removes plaque that accumulates between the teeth.

Additionally, brushing twice a day will help remove any stain-causing foods. Brushing your teeth also helps to reduce bacteria levels in your mouth.

Oil pulling

A traditional folk remedy, oil pulling involves washing the mouth with oil to remove debris and dirt. The oil is also used to remove the bacteria that causes plaque, which turns your teeth yellow.

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Although sunflower oil is the most commonly used oil, any oil should work. Coconut oil has become popular — it tastes good and contains a high amount of lauric acid, which is known to reduce inflammation and kill bacteria.

Although there are no studies showing that oil pulling whitens your teeth, there are a few studies that report a reduction in bacteria and plaque within the mouth due to daily oil pulling.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar’s main ingredient is acetic acid, which kills bacteria and can help whiten your teeth. Since vinegar can also soften teeth, however, use this approach with care.

Using apple cider vinegar may result in soft teeth because the acetic acid has the potential to erode your teeth’s enamel. Don’t use apple cider vinegar on a daily basis, and limit the time that your teeth are exposed to this liquid.

To use this approach, simply dilute the vinegar with water and swish it around your mouth as you would with a mouthwash. Afterwards, thoroughly rinse your mouth with plain water to ensure no vinegar remains.

After trying these tips, if you still aren’t seeing results, consider contacting a reputable dental office like Canyon Crest Dental. A high-quality office such as Canyon Crest can help you figure out a plan of action to get the white teeth you want.