These parasites live on your scalp making your head all itchy. Other than this, how much do you really know about lice facts? We all dread getting infested by lice. That said, this short educational journal about head lice will come in handy if you ever find yourself plagued with lice. Read on to learn more about interesting lice facts that all need to know.

1. Lice don’t carry disease

Compared to other bugs and parasites, lice are relatively harmless. They sure are nerve-wracking; we don’t doubt that, however, unlike mosquitoes and other fleas, lice don’t spread disease. That said, you still want to ensure lice removal at the earliest as the itching can culminate in severe soreness of your scalp. Therefore, if you find yourself infested with lice, seek a lice removal treatment immediately. Rest assured, you are less likely to catch any serious disease, such as malaria, from a lice infestation.

2. Lice are common

A common myth about lice is that these are linked with an unhygienic lifestyle. The truth is that lice are a common occurrence, especially in the United States, where up to 12million individuals get infected with lice annually. This infestation is more common among school-going children, but adults aren’t fully exempted from it. It doesn’t matter how neat and clean one’s house, hair or clothes are. Coming across someone with lice puts you at a higher risk of getting infected, no matter how clean you are.

3. The lifecycle of a Lice

Did you know that the lifecycle of lice comprises three stages? This means that not all lice on one’s head are adult lice. The nits can be referred to as louse eggs. An adult louse will usually lay the eggs along the hair shaft’s base. It takes eight days for the eggs to develop into nymphs, also known as the immature lice. Another twelve days down the drain and the nymphs turn into adult lice. The size of an adult louse is typically that of a sesame seed. Adult lice will often be challenging to spot as it tends to move quicker on the scalp. A female louse can lay up to eight eggs in a day. This is why lice tend to multiply faster once you get infected.

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4. Indirect Spread of Lice

You don’t necessarily have to come in direct contact with someone to get infected with lice. Lice can also be spread indirectly. For instance, if you use a hat, comb, and even a towel of someone infested with lice, the chances of you ending up with lice are high. An adult louse is capable of surviving without a host for up to 48 hours.

5. Itching is not always present

This fact might be a bit scary. However, not all people infected with lice experience an itching scalp. The intensity level depends on how severely one is infested. This is why it is crucial to have the scalps of school-going children checked regularly to prevent lice-infestation.