Substance induced mental health disorders are common and can range from anxiety, depression, paranoia, psychosis, and behavioral disorders. The co-occurrence of substance abuse and mental illness is also known as dual diagnosis, which has to be treated immediately or it can lead to worsened conditions.

A lot of times one condition contributes to the other, which is why these are co-morbid disorders and nearly 8 million adults struggle with substance induced mental and behavioral disorders.

Drug rehab centers like Lantana Recovery, an outpatient drug rehab in Charleston work with addiction specialists and therapists that help focus a lot towards the treatment of co-morbid disorders because people suffering from these are often more resilient and resistive towards getting treated and seeking help.

Symptoms of Mental Health Disorders

Symptoms of mental disorders in drug addicts can vary depending upon the type of drugs being used, duration of their addiction and their overall health. Here are some of the common symptoms that you should look out for:

  • Anxiety or paranoia
  • Sleeplessness
  • Self harm
  • Low self esteem
  • Aggressiveness
  • Risky behavior

 These are some of the approaches that give an insight on how rehab centers help improve mental health:

1. Dialectic Behavioral Therapy

Self harm is a common symptom of mental health conditions and substance use disorders. This condition occurs due to the stress on the brain that is caused by substance abuse.

Dialectic behavioral therapy is aimed at teaching people healthy ways of coping with stress, anxiety and depression. It is a form of cognitive behavioral therapy which helps drug addicts improve their relationships and manage their emotions without harming themselves and others. 

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2. Group Therapy

Group therapy for addiction treatment is a really effective approach and helps learning from experiences  of other people who are dealing with the same situations as yourself.

Rehab centers and counselors in Denver offer integrated therapy sessions which are, in most cases, compulsory for every patient to attending order to benefit. Group therapy is also aimed at treating social anxiety disorders that are commonly found in addicts along with reclusive behavior. 

3. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Negative thinking and self doubt are an obstacle in recovery. Cognitive behavioral therapy is used to treat anxiety, eating disorders, ptsd, and other behavioral disorders that occur with substance abuse.

Mental health professionals can help addicts in recognizing their internalized trauma and problematic behavior that leads to addiction, and provide support in eliminating it. It is a very effective form of therapy and is believed to be really helpful in treating mental health conditions in drug addicts. 

4. Individual Psychotherapy

This form of therapy includes exclusive sessions with the license professional that focus on the unique problems of the patient and provide a customized treatment plan for them.

Individual psychotherapy is known to be very popular and effective because a lot of the time drug addicts need a channel to to talk about their feelings and get rid of their internalized trauma. Oftentimes this therapy goes on for months or years because patients feel comfortable talking to their therapists and it helps them recover easier and sooner!

These are some effective therapies used by addiction treatment centers and professionals use to treat various behavioral disorders in drug addicts. The treatment plan and duration can be outpatient or residential recovery depending on the symptoms and severity of the matter. 

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Along with professional treatment and therapy, it is also important that the recovering addicts have the constant love and support of their family and friends because they often suffer from low self esteem and might feel left out. So look out for any symptoms of addiction and mental health disorders in your loved ones and get them help immediately! 

If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction-induced mental health disorders, it’s essential to seek help from professionals. Consider exploring the treatment options available at Embark Recovery, a reputable rehab center. To learn more about their services and how they can assist you on your journey to recovery, view this rehab center.