Bodies react differently to different stimuli. When the immune system responds to potentially harmful, foreign substances, allergies occur. The foreign substances that cause allergies are called allergens, and they can be found in several different forms. The most common aftereffects of allergies cause include sneezing, suffering from watery eyes, or breaking out with rashes.

The severity of allergies varies from person to person and can range from minor irritation to anaphylaxis which is a possibly fatal condition. If you ever feel irritated or sneezy, get yourself checked with an allergy testing kit and get the measures accordingly. Here are some common allergies that may cause discomfort on daily basis.

Food Allergies

Some specific types of foods sometimes are not suitable for your body and the body responds differently to them. Mostly after trying a new dish, people might feel itchy and irritated. This means that they have an allergy to that specific kind of food. Food allergies usually develop in childhood, but they can also appear later in life. Some common food allergies include;

Gluten Allergy

Gluten is a collective form of protein found in several types of grains, including rye, wheat, and barley. Bread, pasta, and cereals are some common sources of gluten, and people who consume these foods at an extensive rate are prone to attain gluten allergy. Allergic reactions to gluten damage the lining of their gastrointestinal tract, which causes poor absorption of nutrients from food.

Crustacean Allergies

Lobster, crab, shrimp, prawn, and crayfish are some food items that are included in crustacean foods. Some people have crustacean or shellfish allergies that become a reason to develop symptoms such as hives, itching, and swelling, over lips, face, throat, and other parts of the body. Before consuming a new crustacean food, always determine how your body would react to it.

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Egg Allergy

Eggs are considered to be a prime source of energy and protein and many people do not accept the fact that eggs can also cause allergies. However, people with sensitivity to eggs might develop severe stomachache, abdominal cramps, nausea, and vomiting. Eggs can also trigger asthma signs in some people. The egg is the core ingredient of many cuisines, thus people with egg allergies should look for a detailed recipe to avoid an uncomfortable situation.

Peanut Allergy

Peanuts are a good munching snack however they may cause mild to severe allergic reactions. Symptoms such as swelling, hives, and extreme redness can be a result of peanut consumption. Mild symptoms include itchy eyes and a runny nose, and tingling in the throat, whereas, severe allergic reactions to peanuts include diarrhea, nausea, abdominal cramps, or vomiting.

Milk Allergy

Just like people do not want eggs to be an allergen, similarly, milk is another food item that people do not believe, can cause allergy. Milk allergy can cause wheezing, vomiting, and suffering from other digestive problems after its consumption. A milk allergy means that you experience an allergic reaction to the proteins found in milk.

Environmental Allergies

Apart from food items, your environmental changes can also cause certain allergic reactions in your body. Some people have indoor while some have outdoor allergies. Getting irritated by exposure to dust mites, molds, cockroaches, and pet dander, can be a sign of having an environmental allergy.

Pet Allergy

Certain allergic proteins that cause bodily reactions are found in an animal’s skin cells, saliva, or urine. Difficulty breathing and wheezing, runny nose, coughing, and irritation in the eyes and nose, are some of the common allergic reactions that people experience because of pets. 

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Dust and Mite Allergy

This is a type of indoor allergy that is triggered by furniture bugs or dust residuals that has become a part of indoor settings. These bugs are invisible to the naked eye, thrive in humid areas, and can be present throughout the year. These cause signs like asthma. To avoid it, let fresh air and sunlight approach your indoor areas.

Pollen Allergy

It is also regarded as a seasonal allergy and often occurs during the floral budding season in spring. People with pollen allergies cannot enjoy the spring season because breathing pollen-contaminated air might cause nasal congestion, sneezing, and a runny nose.

Drug Allergy

Every medication has a different effect on the user, some drugs may induce a drug allergy, whether it’s prescription, herbal, or over-the-counter. The occurrence of fever, rash, or hives after popping a pill or taking a tablet could be a sign of drug allergy. Common among the drug allergy is Sulfite Allergy.

Medicines having sulfa compounds in them might cause an allergic reaction, leading to mild symptoms like difficulty breathing, itchy eyes, swelling, and hives; and worse symptoms may include dizziness, diarrhea, and vomiting. Before taking any medication, tell your physician if you are already allergic to any formula, otherwise, if a newly prescribed medication is causing you trouble, immediately consult your doctor.