As mothers, sisters, wives, and girlfriends we often spend a great deal of our time taking care of everyone around us. However, we must give our own health and well-being equal standing and deal with any issues we experience. Indeed, there are some common health conditions that as women we should never brush aside or ignore. Read on to find out what they are and why. 

Hormone imbalances 

First of all, hormonal imbalances can have a huge impact on our lives as women. This relates to our periods and menopause, but hormones go way beyond that and are responsible for a wide range of other functions in the body from helping to control our mood to our bone dentistry, weight gain or loss, and our ability to process sugar. 

One of the most common hormonal imbalances that women experience is low estrogen. Estorence is a hormone produced by the ovaries, is vital for regular periods, stable mood, and even has an impact on the way we experience pain. In particular people with a lack of estrogen can be at risk of osteoporosis in later life, so it’s crucial to address and correct low estrogen as soon as possible. Usually, this will be done through changes in diet as well as hormone replacement therapy which should always be done under the instruction of your doctor. 


Another condition that women should never ignore is a UTI or urinary tract infection, as it is also known. A UTI is a condition that occurs when bacteria get into the urinary tract and cause an infection. Symptoms of a UTI include a burning sensation when peeing, as well as the need to urinate more often (or feel like it, even if no urine comes out). Other symptoms can include cramping and bloody urine. 

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If you suspect you have such a condition you must seek help. This is because not treating a UTI can be dangerous as it can spread to other parts of the body such as the upper urinary tract which includes the kidneys. Indeed, a UTI in the kidneys is a much more serious issue as it can cause chills, a fever, vomiting, and pain in the lower back, and in extreme cases lead to kidney damage and be life-threatening.

With that in mind seeking the proper treatment for a UTI is always recommended. This means speaking to your doctor as quickly as possible and getting and finishing the course of antibiotics that they give you. 

Heavy and/or irregular periods 

If you are experiencing heavy or irregular periods it’s also wise not to ignore the symptoms and hope they will resolve by themselves. This is because either can be a sign that something more serious is going on with your body such as STIs, cancer, growth, or cysts. 

For instance, irregular periods can be caused by a range of conditions including PCOS or polycystic ovary syndrome. PCOS is a condition that has a range of symptoms including hirsutism, problems with unwanted weight gain, mood disorder, and difficulty in conceiving. The good news is there are effective ways to manage the condition including medications like metformin, as well as lifestyle changes, and the sooner you start using these the sooner you will see results. 

Heavy periods can be just as worrying as irregular ones and can have just as many underlying causes including cancer, PCOS, fibroid, or polyps. Heavy bleeding can also increase your chance of developing anemia which is caused by a lack of iron and can lead to exhaustion and fatigue. 

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To that end, if you experience anything unusual concerning your periods you must get checked out by a medical professional and placed on the right course of treatment as quickly as possible. 

Breast changes 

You probably already know just how important it is to watch out for any change in the breast and the surrounding area. Indeed, with breast cancer being the most frequently diagnosed globally, checking your breasts regularly is a vital part of caring for your health. 

To check your breasts, it’s important to do it at the same time each month. This is because our breasts can change along with hormonal changes caused by our cycle. Primarily you should look out for any lumps either on or underneath the skin. Although you should also stay vigilant for other changes including skin texture, nipple discharge, a lump under the armpit, inverted nipples, or red or rashy areas. 

If you find something unusual, time is of the essence, and you should see your doctor as soon as possible. This is because, if your issue turns out to be cancer, the faster you can receive care the better the prognosis. 

Pain during sex 

Finally, women should also never ignore pain during sexual intercourse! The ironic thing is that it’s incredibly common, with almost ¾ of all women experiencing it at some point in their lives. The fact that we so often do not mention it to our doctors may have something to do with embarrassment over a subject that some of us still find a little taboo. However, there is no reason to continue suffering in silence as it’s often very easy to rectify. 

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Indeed, there are a whole range of reasons why women may experience pain during sex. One of the most simple to deal with is vaginal dryness because if the vagina is dryer during penetration it can increase the friction involved and lead to pain. Many people of all ages can experience vaginal dryness too, as it can be dependent on the time of the month, and can increase after menopause. The great news is that vaginal dryness is incredibly easy to treat as upping our hydration and using a lubricant during intimacy can entirely solve the problem. 

Another cause of pain during sex can be vaginismus, this is where the muscles in the vagina contract making sexual activity painful. Treatment for vaginismus tends to be tailored to the unique needs of the patent but can include relaxation techniques, psychosexual therapy, and pelvic exercises.