Samantha Bonnell Shares Tools for Self-Discovery
There are some unnerving labels currently being placed on the millennial generation today. We’ve all heard the stereotypes about millennials being sheltered, entitled, spoiled, lazy or lacking motivation. Samantha Bonnell is Life Enrichment Advisor and Motivational Speaker. She challenges her clients to implement strong, positive, mindset shifts in their lives which are tearing down these millennial stigmas every day!
Samantha coaches millennials and their employers in a wide range of topics. Nothing is “off limits,” when speaking with Samantha. She teaches her clients the “generation language” in order to bridge the generational gap. She encourages millennials to strive for excellence, a stronger sense of self and to help them find their voice!
Samantha is also the Founder and President of The Life Enrichment Advisor’s, Empower Young Women, Empower the World Organization. The organization focuses on the empowerment of high school aged and millennial aged young women. Through seminars, workshops, community service and one on one contact with the young women, they are discovering their voice and learning how to be empowered women empowering women.
When you were a child, did you wish for the career and for the life that you have manifested today?
When I was really young, I somehow knew I’d be helping others. I could feel this calling in my soul. I couldn’t place my finger on it and didn’t know where it came from, but I always knew. Growing up in poverty and other very difficult circumstances, I felt hopeless, powerless and misunderstood. As I grew up, I realized those feelings and living in a state of constant fear, wasn’t the mindset I needed in my life.
I made a vow to myself that I would help as many people as possible to get rid of those same kinds of limiting beliefs and live a more passionate life with clear direction and a better sense of self. The trials I had to face at such a young age makes me even more determined and dedicated to my mission today.
What is your mission?
My mission is to change limiting beliefs and empower the lives of as many people as I can. Through self-discovery, I encourage others to find what they may have lost along their journey of life. I believe as we travel our different paths, it can be difficult to hold on to the core of who we are, what makes us thrive on the deepest levels, and how we can lose our focus of what we truly want out of our journey. We as human beings sometimes compromise our own sense of self and our most desired goals in order to please those around us.
I also encourage others to use their mindset to serve them in their journey instead of sabotaging their journey. Limiting core beliefs and thoughts can and will prohibit a person from reaching their full potential. An extreme mindset shift is imperative and is a huge part of my mission so others can achieve their personal and professional greatness.
Right now, I’m very focused on my new organization. The Life Enrichment Advisor’s, “Empower Young Women, Empower the World.” This is my baby! The organization works with young women in high school, but also millennial women that are on the threshold of new beginnings in their lives. In essence, the organization teaches strong values, creates lasting friendships, helps women to find their voice and get out there to empower more women!
I’m also super excited for next summer because my book Stepping into Your Power to Create Your Success will finally be out!
What is your personal thought on Millennials?
I think the millennial generation is misunderstood by previous generations. This conflict is difficult to overcome, but is able to be conquered. All generations communicate or express their thoughts and feelings differently than other generations. This gives each generation their own “language.” By learning each “language,” they are able to tear down the stigmas, communicate more effectively and share in a new mutual respect for each other.
For each stigma placed on millennials, there are fresh new ways to look at it from a millennial perspective. For instance, I think ambition and drive can be misconstrued as entitlement issues, which is not the case. Millennials have inherited an economy which can make it difficult to find work and some generations call that laziness or lacking motivation which of course, is not true. I break down millennial generation stigmas by helping all generations learn each other’s “language.” My goal is to bridge the gap by encouraging the generations to cultivate new ways of understanding each other.
Above all else, millennials want to be heard. They want their opinions to matter. They put more emphasis on human connections, employee wellbeing and the moral compass a company provides, rather than personal income.
Because I have extensive millennial experience, I believe millennials are playful, strong, motivated, optimistic, resilient, willing to learn new skills and productive which makes them incredible! They handle change well due to their open mindedness and thinking outside the box perspective. They put new twists on old traditions. They have been a huge part of the recycling movement, living and eating healthy and they believe in social and economic equality. Millennials are breaking down stigmas everywhere they go and are extremely driven!
What does it mean to you as an entrepreneur to have a mission today?
To have a mission brings me a sense of peace, clarity, comfort and organization. I wake up knowing what I want and need to do. Daily confusion and distractions subside because I keep my mission at the forefront of my mind at all times. Because of this, I’m able to organize my thoughts and be super productive.
When I have a speaking event or when I’m coaching someone, I can see the “light bulb” go on for them about an issue they have struggled with. It ignites my passion for helping others even more! Each time I have an experience like that, I feel like I have accomplished another peice of my mission. My mission is what keeps me motivated when I feel down. I think we all need something that keeps us going, especially on the hard days. I love what I do every day and couldn’t imagine my life without a mission!
What does it mean to you to empower women?
Harriet Beecher Stowe once said, “Women are the real architects of society.” There are many women I admire for their strength, courage, dignity and determination. Women who broke down stereotypes and fought for the equal treatment and rights of all people. Women who saw injustices and used their powerful voices to make change happen. I see every woman as an “architect of society.” With each step a woman takes to empower herself, she empowers those around her. When an empowered woman does fall, she gets back up and starts again. To empower a woman to me is one of the greatest blessing in my life because I know she’ll go out and empower other women!
This is exactly what happened when I found out I had thyroid cancer. I was frightened and in shock. My female friends and family members really stepped up and were there for me. After things settled in my mind I realized how important the women in my life are to me and me to them. I could cry, rant, rave, and just babble, and none of them judged me. That’s when I came up with the idea to create The Life Enrichment Advisor’s, Empower Young Women, Empower the World Organization.
A place where young women could create beautiful friendships, free of judgment and full of love and concern for one another. So I see my cancer as a blessing in disguise. My female friends empowered me and assured me I could and would get through my trial and I did! I believe all women are brave, courageous, and strong, yet some may need help seeing it. Now there is my organization which will help women to see their potential and their strength and will teach principles which will empower and inspire them to their core. They will then go out to support and empower more women!
Name a wish for humanity that finally came true.
When I think of this question, I’m really proud of humanity and how far we’ve come. Because of my bout with cancer, I’d have to say a wish for humanity that finally came true would be the amount of medical science that has made new medicines and surgical procedures possible. So many of these medicines and surgeries are saving lives and helping people to live more productively.
This is an ever changing area for humanity because we are always searching for new answers to the medical problems we face. I also believe there has been a huge shift in Holistic Healing. Many people especially millennials, are practicing holistic healing methods. This not only helps our body, but our minds and spirits as well.
What is your fashion mantra?
I would consider my fashion mantra a cross between Country Western Chic and English Countryside. I love to be comfy yet stylish and I love wearing boots! For my professional look, I dress with a simple, clean, classic look. I usually pair something black with a lovely color. Yes, I have a little black dress!
What is your final message for our readers?
Don’t allow others to determine who you are. Find your passions, goals and your mission. You are the only one who can live your life, so be fair and true to yourself. As Madeleine Albright said, “It took me quite a long time to develop a voice, and now that I have it, I am not going to be silent.”
Find your positive energy and your voice and never lose it! Let the world know you have something to say! You are an important piece of humanity’s puzzle, don’t hide yourself in the shadows. Allow your light and positive energy to shine through you in everything you do!
This is the third installment of The Celebrity Wishmaker, Simonetta Lein’s, interview series on leading social and sustainable female entrepreneurs who are using their voice to empower more women. Check back with MiLLENNiAL to learn more about the courageous and powerful women Simonetta interviews.