There are always going to be times in your life where you feel a little bit out of your depth or overwhelmed by the job you do, but burnout is something entirely different and all the more severe.

To help you to better understand the phenomenon of millennial burnout, this handy guide is going to walk you through exactly what it is and what you can do to help cure it within your own life so that you can get back to the good times.

What is burn out and why does it affect millennials?

There is an increasing number of articles being written on the subject of the phenomenon of millennial burnout, with more and more people of this generation being not only able to relate but to easily recognize the effects of this within their own working lives.

The working definition of burnout, simply put, is:

‘A state of emotional and physical exhaustion caused by a prolonged period of stress and frustration from being overworked.’

This is due to work being different from ever before in the course of history. With unfair wages, zero-hour contracts, and frequent shift work at unsociable hours, the landscape of working is not easy for millennials to make ends meet.

The effect of this is that many young people develop stress-related illness and difficulties with their mental health, such as an anxiety disorder, due to not being able to cope with the demands of a modern working life.

Some of the health effects of working too much, and symptoms to look out for, include:

  • Not getting enough sleep and finding yourself fatigued during the day
  • Becoming easily irritable
  • A drop off in your productivity despite working long hours
  • Your relationships with friends, family, and romantic partner are becoming strained because of the stress that you are under from your work
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What can you do about this?

Once you are able to recognize that you have either reached burnout or are on your way to it, you now have the chance to be proactive and do something about it.

One great idea is to visit to get more information about the anxiety disorder and stress that is caused by burnout and better understand how to tackle the issue. The more you understand about anxiety (or indeed any mental health issue you are struggling with), the better equipped you will be to start battling it.

Alongside this, once you recognize these issues are something you are struggling with, you need to investigate getting professional help. This could be in the form of going to see a doctor and finding what medication might work for you or going to see a therapist and trying out talking therapy. No one is the same so be patient and let yourself find which treatment is going to best help you to get through being burnt out and go back to being the person you want to be.

Millennial burnout might seem like an inevitable part of modern working life, but there is lots you can do to make sure you don’t suffer with it.