Chris Pan is on a mission to bring spiritual and emotional wellness to those who need it the most with his jewelry line, MyIntent. Through high school and college, he led his youth group and was a motivational speaker.  After college he was led to pursue financial security and status, studying at Harvard Business School, working at Facebook and retiring at 35.

Following a traumatic breakup, he realized money and status do not offer the fulfillment and love he really wanted. He then started deep inner work for the past 7 years including the MyIntent Project, which has helped millions of people have meaningful connections through finding their intention.

Chris has a unique and powerful combination of hard skills having consulted for Fortune 100 CEOs at McKinsey and working with Mark Zuckerberg, combined with soft skills to help connect people from their head to their heart, their purpose, their passion, and their intention.

Millennial caught up with Chris to learn more about his intent on designing a simple, yet transformative accessory brand.

Where are you from and how did you start MyIntent?

I’m originally from Ohio, but have called Los Angeles home since 2013. After 4.5 years of working at Facebook, I took time off to travel and put more attention on my emotional and spiritual health. MyIntent was a byproduct of my deep inner work. Word on MyIntent spread organically to many celebrities in LA such as Jay Z. After making his bracelet I was invited to make bracelets for guests at his Roc Nation brunch. Rihanna chose FAITH and Beyonce SURRENDER.

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Describe the purpose behind MyIntent and the true mission of the product.

MyIntent creates experiences, products, and tools that support us to live intentionally. Experiences include all the different sessions such as the yoga classes, breath work classes and other offerings that are a part of MyIntent LIVE which recently launched.  Products include our intention bracelets, maker kits, question cards, and more.  Tools include our find your word quizzes, as well as the development of an “intentional network.”

Millennial Magazine- my intent

You’ve made quite the mark on Los Angeles- where else is MyIntent becoming popular, and which places or demographics have taken you by surprise?

We’ve been pretty universally loved. We have customers across the globe.

What’s been the best story or reaction to one of your products?

I made a bracelet for Kanye West at the Roc Nation brunch with the word BEAUTIFY. 3 months later I woke up to TIME magazine’s cover of Kanye wearing the bracelet.

What is your process in making one of these bracelets? i.e. which materials do you work with, what types of techniques are applied, and how do you define your style choices?

Our product is defined by simplicity. A metal token is the central part of the product with options of color and material left to the individual based on their own preference and style. We hammer the chosen word onto a metal token by hand, but the physical process is only one piece to making a bracelet or necklace. The real magic is in a person choosing their word.

What is your plan for expansion? Do you see MyIntent living beyond the bracelet?

We just launched MyIntent LIVE, a platform providing free virtual classes with master coaches to support living your word. We believe in inner-work being accessible to all.

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