There is no modern man without at least one quality suit in his wardrobe. Numerous occasions request a nice suit to look elegant. It’s great to have a nice suit, but it’s not easy to find a perfect fit. Various body types need different suits.

To determine what is the perfect suit for your body type, there are a couple of ground rules you should follow: know your measurements, choose quality fabric, select the right style, pay attention to colors.

When buying a suit, no matter what the occasion, it’s not enough to pick the prettiest suit. Finding a perfect fit is a little bit more complex. Luckily these days many stores are offering great choices so you can find great options for you like in bespoke suits Dubai.

Check your measures 

If I should choose to give you just one piece of advice that would be this one – choose a suit that perfectly fits your measures. No matter how great and expensive suit you buy it won’t look good on you if it’s hanging on you and it looks like the suit is wearing you instead. The same applies if you buy a too tight jacket and pants. It will be uncomfortable for you and it won’t look nice as it should.

If you’re going to the tailor to make a suit for you from scratch, he should measure your shoulders, neck, sleeves, chest, waist, and legs. Every tailor should attract clients attention to these rules related to size: 

  • The jacket sleeve should be 1 to 2 cm shorter than the shirt sleeve.
  • Pants of a classic suit should neatly fit on the top of the shoes. It should not touch the floor or uncover socks.
  • The jacket on your shoulders should fit snugly, but you should be able to move your arms. 
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In case you’re buying a suit, the salesperson should take your measurements and adjust the suit to them to avoid a slappy look. Many stores are adjusting suits for their customers for free, but don’t be surprised if they charge you additionally. Suit pants usually are designed to be adjusted, so it’s normal if they don’t fit you.

American, European or English style?

There are three traditional styles when it comes to matters of suits: American, European/Italian, and English. Some elements of these three traditional styles are mutual, but each of them has interesting specifics that make it unique. 

  • American-style suits are a perfect fit for bigger people. Usually, they have three buttons and single-breasted jackets, even though options with two buttons are present on the market these days.
  • European-style suits often are called Italian and Continental suits. They are predicted for slender men and don’t suit men with larger body types. Jackets have two buttons and a single breast.
  • English-style suits are also known as British-style suits. This type will look great on average and athletic body types. They give a sharp, serious look that follows lines of the body. English suits are based on military uniforms. This type could be a perfect fit for tall people. 

Have in mind that choosing a proper style is as important as buying a suit the right size. Recognition of the right suit style for your body type can spare you a lot of headaches in the future. 


Best fabrics for men’s suits are made of wool without any admixtures. Most wanted are suits made of 100% worsted wool. Those are suits whose fabrics are made of long wool fibers that are twisted into tight yarns. Good options to mix with wool are cashmere and mohair. Those fabrics do well in all seasons. Besides, cotton and linen can be solid.

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The lining of the suit should be smooth and if possibly made of acetate or viscose. Even though silk sounds like a good option, it’s not because it can leave sweat stains.


Men for suits usually choose black, charcoal grey, or navy blue. These are colors that suit everybody and they are perfect for special occasions like weddings and other celebrations, funerals or for business meetings. Also, suits in those colors are perfect for any season. Besides mentioned colors, dark brown is also often chosen for suits.

Men mainly chose basic colors for suits and if they want to show some creativity they chose suits in those colors but with subtle patterns like herringbone or pinstripes. Bold ones experiment with unique and colorful ties.

***Bonus advice: Choosing the right shirt is also important, with a bad shirt you can spoil the impression of a perfectly tailored suit. If you’re not sure which one will match your suit – choose a white one. With a white shirt, there is no chance you can’t go wrong. Size matters when it comes to shirts. You should be able to put your finger between the collar and your neck. If you can’t do that, the shirt is too tight.