A motorcycle lacks the outer protective shell that makes cars better at protecting you during an accident. So anytime you ride a bike, you expose yourself entirely to the risk of sustaining severe injuries in case of an accident. Even if you don’t ride a motorcycle, there’s the possibility one might get into a collision with you.

No matter the situation, you must have the right team if you suffered a motorcycle accident in Atlanta. Getting quality representation might increase the odds of recovering fair compensation from the at-fault party. How do you choose a good motorcycle accident lawyer? Here are some tips.

Track Record

Motorcycle accident cases are complex. Review your options before committing. First, look at how your options have fared in cases. A lawyer who wins points for clients regularly might be a worthy option. Such a lawyer provides subtle reassurance that you’re handing over your case to a professional who knows what they are doing.

Wins alone shouldn’t be the basis of separating the wheat from the chaff. Look at the settlement amounts in the successful cases of your options. You want someone who wins reasonable amounts for their clients. Consider your options’ courtroom track record too. Out-of-court settlements are typical, but your case might go to trial.

Their Charges

Most motorcycle accident lawyers rely on contingency fees as their remuneration for representing you. This means the lawyer will not charge you any payment from your pocket for them to represent you. Instead, the lawyer will get a percentage of your compensation.

Research the prevailing industry rates for your case. A lawyer whose charges are within the range of the overall industry rates should do you justice. A good lawyer should provide a fee agreement for you to sign. They should also explain the structure of the contract before you sign it.

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Their Communication Schedule

Motorcycle accident cases may take a long time to settle. You must stay abreast of every development in the case, even if it’s proceeding at a snail’s pace. Your lawyer should give you updates on the progress of your case periodically.

Check the communication schedule of a motorcycle accident lawyer you’d like to work with before retaining them. Go for a lawyer who updates you every week. Also, check how easy it will be to contact the lawyer if you have questions.

Experience and Knowledge Level

A good motorcycle accident must have an excellent grasp of the laws affecting your case. In addition, they should have sufficient knowledge of the insurance industry. These two will come in handy during the negotiation for settlement.

A lawyer with deep experience knows how to get reasonable compensation from the insurance players. They also know how to snake their way around the legal aspects of your case during the trial. Besides, experience and deep industry knowledge give a lawyer an upper hand in avoiding pitfalls that could bungle your case.


Lawyers who devote themselves to their client’s cases are more likely to produce positive results. You can gauge a lawyer’s dedication by looking at how passionate they are about your case. Someone enthusiastic about your case will go out of their way to bring you victory. A lawyer who wants to work with you solely because of money is unreliable. They may drop you once they find other cases that pay them more.

Willingness to go to Trial

The at-fault insurance company might go to trial instead of compensating you. If this is the case, you need a lawyer who’ll stand by you throughout the journey. Some lawyers focus on out-of-court settlements only. Enquire about your options if they’d go to trial before retaining them.

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Last Words

Not every motorcycle accident you’ll meet will serve you well. Look at the qualities of a motorcycle accident you want to work with before retaining them. Qualities such as good communication, deep legal and industry knowledge, and experience, among others, can help in winning cases. A motorcycle accident lawyer with these qualities might help you secure reasonable compensation from the at-fault party.