You don’t have to join charities and organize fundraisers to make a difference. In fact, ethical trends start at home, and there are plenty of ways to start leading a more conscious lifestyle.

Here are ten ways to go green and be more ethical starting today.

1. Get an Electric Car, or Go Car-Free

Electric cars are becoming more popular the world over, with models like the Tesla X and the Polestar 2 becoming commonplace in some cities. Although some newer models like the Chevrolet Bolt EV retail for around $20,000, most electric vehicles are much more expensive. Not to mention the cost of installing home charging points.

 If you can’t afford an EV, don’t panic. There are other ways you can reduce your carbon footprint:

 If you live in a city center, start walking

  • Get a bicycle for medium distances
  • Use public transport and carpooling where possible

2. Recycle, Recycle, Recycle

Recycling is easier than ever nowadays, with most local governments making steps toward better recycling initiatives. You may have heard the old adage reduce, reuse, recycle. These are words to live by, for sure.

However, reducing and reusing are two steps that take quite a bit of effort as you work out what to cut out of your life and how to upcycle those old jeans with the enormous rip in them. Recycling, on the other hand, is simple as can be.

Get familiar with recycling symbols to find out what you can put in which trash can, and then recycle all the paper, plastic, and glass that you can.

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3. Make Greener Investments

Whether you’re a pro investor, crypto-fanatic, or just someone with a superannuation, where you put your money matters. You can make steps toward being more ethical by considering the type of investments you make.

Switching to conscious investment funds like Australian Ethical’s superannuation means you can be greener and more ethical without even trying. Once you make the switch, that’s it! 

Your funds will go toward renewable energy, community programs, and other ethical initiatives, instead of winding up in fossil fuels and tobacco firms.

4. Power off Your Devices

When it comes time to switch off, make sure you do exactly that. Many of us have a tendency to leave our devices on standby, but it’s better to turn our gadgets off once and for all. LED standby lights and chargers take up energy, even when the device isn’t in use.

Although this seems like a small, insignificant amount of energy, think of the bigger picture. With millions of tech gadgets across the world in standby, that’s tons of greenhouse gasses that could easily be saved.

Do your bit by turning off your devices.

5. Switch to a Green Energy Plan

Another easy way to save energy passively is by switching to a renewable energy plan. Many energy providers now offer the option to switch to a green plan, which ensures your home uses renewable, green energy sources instead of fossil fuels.

This means you don’t have to make the enormous investment of installing solar panels. Instead, your energy provider will supply your home with renewable energy from sources like wind and solar farms.

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It even applies if you live in a rental, so it’s worth checking out.

6. Change How You Dry Your Clothes

Ditch the dryer and start air-drying your clothes. You can use an airing rack if you have space in your home, or a clothesline if you have any outdoor space. The advantages here are numerous. Firstly, you save on the excessive amounts of energy consumed by a tumble dryer. Secondly, you save on the money spent on this energy.

What’s more, air-drying clothes outside imbues them with the lovely scents of nature. Your clothes will smell pleasant and feel softer, too. Your laundry will thank you, and so will the planet.

7. Take Shorter Showers

Saving water is just as important as saving energy. When it comes to hot showers, you can kill two birds with one stone and save both!

Try not to spend countless minutes under the shower contemplating life. Instead, cut your daily showers down to a quick rinse that does the job quickly and efficiently. Don’t worry if it takes you longer on hair wash days or you take a long shower every so often. Even reducing five of your weekly showers to just a few minutes will save tons of water over the course of a year.

8. Compost at Home

Whether you cook a lot or order takeout most evenings, there will be organic waste in your home. It’s tempting to throw it all in the trash, but you could make an easy switch to composting if you want to save the planet.

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Composting decreases greenhouse gas emissions by making us less dependent on landfills, and all you need to get started is a compost bin. Research what to do with compost in your area, or visit a local allotment to see how they utilize organic waste.

9. Cut out Domestic Flights

Depending on where you live, domestic flights might be commonplace. In some smaller countries, like The Netherlands and Belgium, domestic flights do not exist. However, even in larger countries like the USA, they are often avoidable.

When booking a trip, consider taking alternative transport to neighboring states, such as trains, road trips, and other transport. If the flight is short-haul, there’s often a great alternative that may even work out cheaper.

10. Go Meat-Free

Meat-free Mondays and vegan influencers have made the vegetarian lifestyle much more popular these days. In urban areas, it’s easy to switch to a vegetarian or vegan diet, with options aplenty in most restaurants.

If you don’t think going entirely meat-free is plausible, try cutting out meat a couple of days per week. You’ll be surprised about the difference it can make!

In today’s world, it’s essential to take personal responsibility for your lifestyle. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to make small changes that will have a big impact on the planet. Hopefully, these ten methods gave you some ideas to get started, so now you can begin to make a difference today!