Steps To Happily Living With An STD
People are naturally afraid of things that they don’t understand. And of course, Sexually Transmitted Diseases are one of those taboo topics. But just because you’re living with an STD in a nomophobic world doesn’t mean that you can’t be happy. It is a tough journey, but if you follow these simple steps you’ll be on the right path to living and loving life again.
STD Positive? Find A Treatment
The CDC estimates that 110 million Americans have an STD. While it’s easy to speculate why these numbers are so high, research from Alan Brandt’s book, “No Magic Bullet,” connects it to the social stigma Americans have about discussing sex and STDs. And this lack of dialogue is also why so many people are misinformed about how STDs can be spread, leading to an even greater fear of contracting one.
So, to dispel any myths, you should know that STDs are typically spread through immediate and direct contact with infected bodily fluids. They are not, however, airborne pathogens that can be inhaled or transmitted with a handshake.
Nevertheless, getting treated is one way to reduce the chances of spreading the STD. Depending on the type, treatment can either completely get rid of the STD or it can reduce the symptoms. This is critical, because if left untreated the symptoms can get worse or the virus can become life threatening.
Where can you find a treatment?
If you didn’t already get treatment information after you got tested, you can visit your doctor, buy over-the-counter treatments, Google search treatments or visit a local clinic like Planned Parenthood. They are typically quite affordable and willing to work with you, especially if you are struggling financially.
Join STD Support Groups
Coping with an STD can often make you quite emotional. So, it’s understandable that you need a shoulder to lean on. But turning to a family member or a close friend may be too soon.
That’s why STD support groups are such a great resource. Whether you want to go meet up face-to-face, or just participate in an online forum, this is a great opportunity for you to connect with those who are going through the same emotional roller coaster.
These STD support groups allow you to tell your story, hear theirs’ and be part of a community focused on remaining happy while living with an STD. The STD Project is a great place to start participating in a forum, or to even find local STD support groups.
Admit That You’re Living With An STD
Although this is certainly very difficult, it is essential to living and loving life.
What does “admit” mean?
No, you don’t have to go out in public and proclaim that you have an STD. Instead, write-up two lists. On one, include anyone that you have been sexually active with since contracting this STD, and on the other, the five people who are near and dear to you.
Having a support group is so important because many people have already gone through this and can offer you advice. Nevertheless, it is up to you to take action. First, you will want to contact the list of people with whom you’ve been sexually active. They need to know, and they have the right to know. Just be honest. Tell them that you tested positive for an STD, and they need to get tested too because they are at risk.
Now it’s time to reach out to those five people on your list who are truly close to you. Your dad might be a hard-ass or your mom could have a heart attack if you tell her, so you might want to just leave them out of it. You need to choose a confidant. If you can let down your guard and talk about what you’ve been going through, you will find a great deal of relief.
Get Your Sex Life Back With STD Dating Sites
Ready to get back in the dating game but afraid of the “STD talk?” Just because you are living with an STD doesn’t mean you have to be celibate. And just because someone has an STD doesn’t mean that they sleep around.
STD dating sites are a great way to connect with people who also have STDs, which means less anxiety about that dreaded talk. One of the most reputable STD dating sites is Even if you don’t meet your soul mate there, you will find it to be an integral step along your journey.
Truth be told, there isn’t an easy way to overcome the challenges of living with an STD. Every step of the way is a true challenge, but it will make you that much stronger. There is always a bright side at the end of the tunnel. You simply need to start taking action today, and get back to living and loving life!