Radha Agrawal is a serial social entrepreneur having founded several socially conscious companies. She is the Co-Founder of DAYBREAKER, a global dance movement creating healthy morning dance party experiences all over the world with over 150,000 community members waking up to dance, sweat, connect, and unlock their potential before going to work.

Other projects Radha has been involved with include Super Sprowtz, a leading children’s multi-media nutrition education company whose mission is to engage children to make better food choices; and THINX a leak-resistant, stain-resistant, anti-microbial and moisture-wicking pair of underwear. Partnered with Afripads every pair of THINX funds the production of re-usable cloth pads for women and girls in Uganda.

Radha is a real example of how empowered women empower women and how business can make a difference in the world. A young entrepreneur that has taken on big brands with her disruptive innovative approach that focuses not only on delivering needed products but also giving back to the community with a special attention to women.

When you were a child, did you wish for the career and for the life that you have manifested today?

As a daughter of immigrant parents from India and Japan who raised us to chase our dreams, I’ve been chasing my passions all of my life but could never have imagined the life and career I’m leading today. I did however, always wish for a profession that aligned body, mind, and spirit: given the gift to create and nurture Daybreaker, a transformational community and design experience that brings joy to our members is for me, truly a dream come true. I also never could have imagined co-creating THINX with my twin sister Miki and good friend Antonia and seeing it break open all the taboos around menstruation and giving a voice to women.

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What is your mission?

My personal mission has always been to help humans find a sense of belonging and authentic community. Did you know that 25% of Americans report zero friends to confide in? 25% lack a real sense of belonging. I’ve been writing a book about community building for the last year where I’ve been synthesizing everything I’ve ever learned in community building and developing a rubric to help anyone seeking to create their own community for their life and business. Belonging is as important as eating and sleeping and is often overlooked in our pursuit to “succeed”.

Millennial Magazine - Radha-Agrawal-Profile

What is your personal thought on Millennials?

Millennials are more optimistic than most, share more freely and are more generous with their networks. Millennials are interested in learning and sharing, and living a life as carefree as possible. Millennials don’t like to be tied down unless it’s a real choice and committing to one thing is not easy. Millennials are the “slash” generation. They like doing many things. However, it’s difficult to make money as a slash generation so millennials are also often short on cash and living on their air b&b income.

What does it mean to you as an entrepreneur to have a mission today?

I cannot be an entrepreneur without a mission. Missions and core values are vital to feel a sense of purpose in your work. Without it, it’s a job, and that’s a recipe for burnout.

What does it mean to you to empower women?

As the Dalai Lama said, “the world will be saved by the western woman” and I really believe that. More women are starting businesses and graduating college than men. At THINX, it’s been incredible to see how something as simple as a pair of underwear could transform a girl’s life, keep them in school and give them a voice in their community. When a woman makes $100 in the developing world, $80 goes back to her community to help them grow stronger. When a man makes $100 in the developing world, $30 goes back to the community and the rest is squandered on alcohol etc. It’s very simple math. Empower women, empower the world.

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Name a wish for humanity that finally came true.

That dance is becoming ubiquitous. That mindfulness is finding its voice.

What is your fashion mantra?

Burner bohemian – understand colours, lines and texture. And platform shoes!

What is your final message for our readers?

It all starts with energy – how you enter a room. Enter with positivity and openness, and the room will shine on you. Enter with a dark cloud over your head and a closed energy, and the room will answer with equally dark energy. It’s that simple.


Thank you Radha. Keep on empowering women, we support you!


This is the first installment of The Celebrity Wishmaker, Simonetta Lein’s, interview series on leading social and sustainable female entrepreneurs who are using their voice to empower more women. Check back with MiLLENNiAL to learn more about the courageous and powerful women Simonetta interviews. 

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How David Adelman is Shaking Up the Industry With American Harvest Vodka