Retail foot traffic is important. If people don’t use your store then it doesn’t matter if you have the best products or lowest prices. You won’t be able to sell anything and your business will fail. However, there are sure-fire ways to get people into your store.

Digital Printing

Today’s technology offers many different ways to attract attention. Digital printing is an affordable, quick and easy solution that allows you to get large amounts of impact out of a small budget. For example, anyone can print large banners on standard printer paper but the quality won’t be very good. On the other hand, digital printing services use photo-realistic images on high-quality banner material. It’s the best way to make an impact with large-format prints that will grab people’s attention as they walk past your storefront. Here are some digital printing tips for the best results:


Color is a big part of the impact you’re trying to make. Colours are used for many different reasons including attracting attention, identifying company logos, and highlighting important information. It’s best to have contrasting colors that stand apart from each other so it’s easy to spot your print among all of the others on the street. For example, it might be difficult to notice a red print against an orange brick wall. However, the clarity and contrast of black on the white paper will usually get people looking in your direction.

Size & Format

The bigger your print is, the more people will notice it. It may not seem like much, but simply increasing the size of your print by just one or two inches can lead to a noticeable boost in foot traffic. For optimal results, aim to cover as much of your store frontage as possible. Consider banner printing in Melbourne to make a real impact. By combining multiple sizes and formats, you can create a striking display that captures attention right away.

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Once you’ve got some attention and onlookers, you’ll need to hold their interest. The way to do that is with a theme. For example, if you’re displaying feature products on your front window then use related prints in the background to add depth and make it really stand out. If you’re trying to advertise a sale or event, add some promotional material in the background to keep people interested.


Lastly, use lighting to set your prints apart from others. This is an easy way to stand out at night or when it’s raining. For example, you could have a flashing print design that catches everyone’s attention as they are walking home in the dark after work. If possible, try putting a light behind your print that will shine through it from behind. There are even battery-powered LED lights available that can be placed anywhere for quick and easy lighting effects.

Social Media Marketing

Another way to attract attention is through social media marketing. Using these platforms you can keep your business in front of potential customers around the clock. In fact, many people use social media for everything from reading the news to learning about products they want to buy. Here’s how:


Facebook has more than 1 billion active users. This large amount of traffic makes it easy to reach potential customers all over the world without much effort. For example, if you post about your products with an offer to followers who like your page, you’ll quickly build up a significant customer base. You can also create events with special offers and discounts which will help grow your traffic over time.

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Twitter is another platform with more than 100 million active users. Creating a business Twitter account for your storefront is a good way to interact with customers and build up your following. For example, if you’re looking for some feedback on your products then ask people what they think on Twitter. If you see someone tweeting their love of what you sell then reply with an offer or discount that will encourage them to visit your shop.


Pinterest is a platform that’s great for selling creative products. If you’ve got something that stands out then use Pinterest to your advantage by creating boards for it. For example, if you sell handmade clothes then create beautiful boards showcasing each of them with descriptions of the materials used and why they are best suited to certain outfits or occasions. This will build up a portfolio that you can refer people to overtime.

Create An Email Database

If you want to increase foot traffic to your store, make sure to build up an email list. This is a creative way to let customers know about sales and upcoming events without spamming everyone on your social media accounts every day. Give people the option to subscribe to your email list when they visit your shop. Also:

Send Emails With Discounts

It’s important to send out emails with discounts for special sales and events every now and again. This gets customers interested in upcoming sales because they’ll want to make sure they don’t miss out on something that might sell fast. For example, you could give a percentage off to everyone who subscribes to your email list and send it out when you’re having a massive sale for an entire week.

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Personalize Your Messages

Another way to make your messages stand out is by personalizing them. You can add a little bit of your personality into everything you do and it will make people feel more connected to what you’re doing. For example, if you know the person then mention their name in the email or something that they’ve told you about previously.

Use Automated Response Campaigns

You can also use automated response campaigns to get customers coming back to your shop. For example, create an email that will go out after a certain amount of time and let people know that you’re still thinking about them and that if they want something then they should visit your store. If you do this, you’ll be able to retain customers.

Create An App

You can also create an app for your business to help you attract more customers and increase foot traffic. It’s a great way to reach people on their devices and encourage them to buy something from your shop on the go. For example, you can use your business app to find out where customers go after leaving your store and make it easier for them to come back.

There are many ways to grow your customer base and increase foot traffic to your store. These include using digital printing, creating a business Twitter account, building an email list, sending out discount codes with personalized messages, using automated response campaigns with discounts or promotions, and having an app that people can use.