Online dating is a fun way to meet new people and most of the time, the worst that could happen is you meet somebody who you don’t really have any chemistry with in-person. However, you’ve probably heard some online dating horror stories and the sad truth is that you never know exactly who you are going to be meeting online. You can never be too careful when dating online; keep these safety tips in mind when meeting new people and they might just save your life.

Run a Background Check:

It might seem a bit extreme, but running a background check on somebody before you meet up with them in person or give them any further information about yourself is a very wise idea. You can easily find out more about a person using just their phone number on Nuwber; just enter their number and you’ll get identifying information on them such as their name and address, along with any criminal records or arrest records that they might have.

Along with being able to find out if somebody has a criminal past that they are hiding from you or who had gone through a record expungement law process to seal their records, this site can also help you find out if you’re about to meet somebody who isn’t who they say they are.

Meet in Public:

Whenever you arrange a date with somebody who you have met online, it’s a good idea to meet in a public place like a busy restaurant or bar, so that you can easily make a quick getaway if the situation takes a turn for the worst. Meeting up in a public place allows you to get to know somebody in a safe environment and figure out what kind of vibes you are getting off of them.

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Tell Somebody:

It’s always a wise idea to let somebody know that you are going to be meeting up with somebody who you have met on an online dating site, where you are going to meet them, and how long you expect to be. A friend or family member can look out for you if you are not home when expected or come and pick you up if you need to get away from your date quickly.  It’s worth using an app like Find My Friends so somebody can track your location and check that you are where you said you would be. Don’t forget to update them if you end up moving somewhere else or the date goes really well and lasts longer than expected!

Hold Back Information:

Your date offering to come and pick you up might seem like a nice gesture at the time, but the sad fact is that some people do this just so that they can get access to your address. And if the wrong person knows where you live, this could cause all sorts of problems for you in the future. Instead, politely decline any offers of a ride and make your own way to the date instead; they can always pick you up another time when you have gotten to know and trust them.

Online dating is a fun way to meet new people, but there’s always the risk that your next date might be dangerous. Always be cautious when meeting new people; it’s better to be safe than sorry.

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